7 in 1 go or the bravery of the world
A new version of the fairytale “The brave little tailer” for the whole family.
A mixture of storytelling, live music and puppetry.
Our second retro-creation project with restored puppets from Fritz Herber Bross from 1969.
premiere February 2021
Made possible in part by: Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and the Cultural Office of Tübingen.
direction | Frank Soehnle |
performers | Hanna Malhas |
Christian Glötzner | |
Maren Kaun | |
puppets | Fritz Herbert Bross |
costumes | Evelyne Meersschaut |
music | Johannes Frisch |
fagott | Tine Beutel |
choreography | Karin Ould Chih |