Raphael Mürle

1983 – 1987 studied puppet theatre at the University of Music and the Performing Arts in Stuttgart (diploma in puppet theatre).

Since 1987 own venue in Pforzheim-Brötzingen with regular performances. The theatre’s repertoire features unusual literary materials, musical topics, and a distinctive visual language. From 1987 to 2012, 15 evening productions (including 3 marionette programmes), 5 children’s pieces, and 5 short programmes were created.

Directorial work for puppet theatres in Germany and Switzerland. Initiator and organiser of the Internationales Straßentheaterfestival mit Figuren (International Street Theatre Festival with Puppets) in Pforzheim. Guest performances in Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Croatia, Austria, Poland, Scotland, Switzerland, and Spain.

Guest instructor at the University of Music and the Performing Arts in Stuttgart, at Figurentheater-Kolleg in Bochum, and at Hof Lebherz in Warmsen.
